Treeline Interactive
Senior Product Manager

Web and Mobile Product Management
Senior Product Manager
Web and Mobile Product Management
Engineering Manager - Technology Migration / Customization for North America
Technology and Manufacturing Migration to McCain's Facilities. NTCIP Software Compliance for North America.
Project Manager - Full matrix color signs and equipment for connected vehicle pilot
Project design and development of full matrix signs (CMS 600 and 610) for federal proving ground connected vehicle pilot project.
Project Mangager - Caltrans AVMS
Caltrans AVMS 710. Caltrans AVMS 700C - TEES Chapter 13
Quality Assurance Manager - Campus Wayfinding and Roadway Signage
Professional Services Agreement. Design Assistance for Roadway Signage and Parking Guidance.
Project Manager - Campus Parking Guidance and Real-time Data
System Design - Real-time parking guidance system.
Streetline Parking Guidance System Integration
System Engineering- Programmed proof of concept microservice to wrap existing Streetline interface to custom SNMP Objects. Implemented custom buisness logic on embedded systems to map API data (location and real-time occupancy) to sign graphics. Coordinated 1st and 3rd party software development.
Languages: Node.js, REST API / JSON, NTCIP (SNMP) Server